Our Services

"EPAC offers the same features as much higher priced software… the software does what is says it will do, and meets or exceeds expectations."
Cindy TwinningCorporate Maintenance Coordinator, Fuyao Glass America
Having at least 81 years events per year means that everything on those days needs to be perfect... EPAC is essential to maintaining our standards of excellence.
Don EspositoSenior Director, U.S. Cellular Field
I've seen how beneficial EPAC can be. I had a boiler go down on me the other day... Well I just opened up my friendly EPAC program and looked up that boiler and all the information was right there.
Jim ThomasMcFarland Clinic, Ames, IA
EPAC has assembled a seasoned team of Maintenance Management professionals that blend requisite IT skills with industry experience to offer a full range of training, technical support, and guidance. Each implementation is unique, services can vary from a couple of hours using our interactive online option to 1 – 2 weeks at the client’s site.

CMMS & EAM Services
EPAC offers professional services in two major categories: CMMS & EAM
- Training/Technical Services and Maintenance Management Consulting Services
- CMMS & EAM Training/Technical Services
The scope of technical services offered includes:
- Implementation Planning
- Installation Assistance
- Functional Setup
- Train the Trainer
- Core Group Training
- End-user Training
- Go Live Support
- Data Conversions
- System Interfaces
- Contract Programming Services