All entries are date and time stamped in the database. If you are using a report writer, such as Crystal Reports, you are on a version of ePAC with Business Intelligence, you would have access to this data. Anytime a work order is created, the associated field is ActualIssue. When the work order is created through the Service Request application, the ActualIssue date is populated. When the work order is closed, if the appropriate settings are checked in System Administration, the ActualFinish date will be updated based either upon the labor entries or the date the work order is closed. All of these fields are date/time fields. The ActualStart field will also be updated with the labor entries. Thus, if you wanted to calculate the average time to finish or the average time to respond, these would be the appropriate date fields. Check to make sure the appropriate fields are checked in System Administration to update the Start and Finish.